After Much Thought

March 29, 2020

After much, much, MUCH consideration I’ve decided to not carry out any professional photo sessions for the next who-knows-how-many weeks. I struggled with this decision a lot.

It’s my instinct to want to celebrate and find joy in dark times. I believe photo sessions can bring happiness and light. When there’s stress in a family, letting loose together can be therapeutic. When we are faced with negative messages and images, cheerful photos of children and babies can make us smile and forget our troubles. When we’ve been in sweats and messy hair for weeks it feels good to put on makeup and feel glamorous for an hour.

And yes, I can try and do all of this at a safe 6 foot distance. But here’s the thing - it wouldn’t be my best work. It wouldn’t be fair to you or me. I believe it would still be putting us at risk - it is simply not worth it. I have been trying to flatten the curve as much as possible. My family and I have been home for over two weeks with no social interaction and it seems irresponsible and silly to change that now.

I hope you understand, I hope you stick with me when this is all over. I can’t wait to take your pictures again, to run and play with your kids in the park, to capture your beauty and confidence, to make even more memories together.

For now, stay safe, be well, and appreciate your health and togetherness as best as you can. And if you need to hide in the bathroom and scream that’s totally fine too!

With love,

PS - Please check out my daily photo journal - thank you.